Vincent Martínez-Grieco

at Kloster Steinfeld, Germany 09.-12.10.2025

About Vincent Martínez-Grieco

Designer Soul Motion and

Soul Motion Next Steps

Vincent Martínez-Grieco is dancer, teacher and designer of Soul Motion Next Steps.

He has been influenced by modern dancing and ballet, improvisational and performance scenarios, yogic spiritual practices, 5 Rhythm (ecstatic dance).
In the beginning of the 21st Century, he designed Soul Motion®, a conscious dance practice.

About Next Steps

and the Workshop at Kloster Steinfeld


Soul Motion Next Steps.

The livingness of pulse. The pulse of spaciousness. 

Here is our calling to listen for the ever-present hum. Here is what can happen when you listen to this vibratory sound. It will mobilize you to relax and reenter the now time of here, cueing you to cut to the chase, get established in the intelligences of soma. 

You have what it takes to open to spaciousness of mind, listening with your whole body, and moving in directions that are unplanned and unfamiliar. 

We create common unity in our time alone together. A spectacular showcase of nature awaits you to nurture you, refresh you, and release you from your day to day stressors.

Allow Next Steps to become a refresher course in the natural dance we move to when relaxed and unhurried.

some more insights ... einige weitere Einblicke ...

When I was in Portland in September 2024 I ask Vincent some questions about his work on and off the dance floor. 

Here are a few insights into his life as a dancer, teacher and person in his everyday life.

Als ich im September 2024 in Portland war, habe ich Vincent einige Fragen zu seiner Arbeit auf und abseits der Tanzfläche gestellt. 

Hier sind ein paar Einblicke in sein Leben als Tänzer, Lehrer und Mensch im alltäglichen Leben.


As any events around us are happening, how can we recognize that it is not who we are and that it is not our identity. But how can we learn different ways to breathe, to practice mindfulness, findig grounding and to arrive - no matter where we are.

It offers views  how to be in the present and how to come out of the fog In the mind.


Wie können wir bei allen Ereignissen, die um uns herum geschehen, erkennen, dass es nicht das ist, was wir wirklich sind, und dass es nicht unsere Identität ist. 

Sondern wie können wir unterschiedliche Wege lernen, zu atmen, Achtsamkeit zu üben, Erdung zu finden und anzukommen - egal wo wir sind. Die Arbeit bietet Sichtweisen, wie wir im Hier und Jetzt sein können und wie wir aus dem Nebel der Gedanken herauskommen.

THE HERE AND NOW. THE MOMENT. Das hier und jetzt. der moment.

We are here to understand the moment, the now.

And how to be situated when things come and go. Especially the mind and how it takes us away into the fog of thoughts, memories and judgements.

That is the dance. The Moment.


Wir sind hier, um den Moment zu verstehen, das Hier und Jetzt. 

Und wie gehen wir damit um, wenn Dinge geschehen und uns der Verstand in diesen Nebel von Gedanken, Erinnerungen und Verurteilungen hineinzieht.

THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MINDFULNESS, BODY AND THE PRESENT MOMENt.die Verbindung zwischen Achtsamkeit, Körper und dem gegenwärtigen Moment

When I am skilled enough to experience sensations as the temperature, pulsing, pressure in the body - it can only happen right now.

Mindfulness is about noticing everything that is showing up. Finding a place in awareness.

If we can occupy the body, we can occupy the present.


Wenn ich Empfindungen, wie die Temperatur, das Pulsieren oder den Druck im Körper wahrzunehmen kann, dann kann das nur in diesem Moment geschehen.

Achtsamkeit heißt, alles, was auftaucht, wahrzunehmen. Bewusst zu sein.

Wenn wir im Körper sind, sind wir im jetzigen Moment.

4 days "Next Steps"

at Kloster Steinfeld 

in Germany

We will be dancing in the chapel

of the monastery Steinfeld in the Eifel region.

Text Vincent...


Place, Time, Costs / Ort, Zeit, Kosten

  • Where?:                         
    Kloster SteinfeldHermann-Josef-Str. 4
    53925 Kall-Steinfeld
  • When?:                
    Thursday, 09.10.2025:
    Your room is available at 3pm
    First Session: 4pm
    Friday, 10.10.2025:
    8 am - 9:15 pm
    Saturday, 11.10.2025
    8 am - 9:15 pm 
    Sunday, 12.10.2025
    8 am - 1:30 pm
  • Costs Workshop:
    395,00 € - The Earliest Bird (until March, 14th 2025) 
    435,00 € - Early Bird (until July, 4th 2025)  
    465,00 € - Bird Price 
  • Costs Kloster Steinfeld :
    Accommodation and catering :               
    303,50 € double room incl. catering: That's how the double room looks like: Klick
    369,50 € single room incl. catering: That's how the single room looks like: Klick
    Have a look at the Kloster Steinfeld website: